May 27, 2011

Happy Birthday Dolly!

Man I've been MIA lately! I'm sure many bloggers out there just don't feel inspired sometimes either. Well lately I've had the itch to get my sewing machine out with so many beautiful creations I've seen lately. Got a few projects I'm working on this week soo stay tuned:)

Here on base there are soo many talented military wives it blows my mind! From candles, crocheting, sewing, photography, cooking...gosh you name it! Well us wives gotta do something to keep ourselves busy while the boys are deploying and working loooong hours!!

Well I just so happen to meet the sweetest gal in my little girls PreK class and she just so happens to be from my hometown! She is a total sewing beginner, but man she started busting out these super cute pettiskirts! When I started sewing I could barely make a pillowcase! Anywhoo..she so kindly whipped one up for my little dolly's birthday and man did she fall in love with it!

All those yummy ruffles turned her into a twirling, jumping, spinning ballerina!

I just had to share a little piece of all the talented women I'm surrounded by on this little base called home.
If you are interested in purchasing one you can head over to Cutiebugs Girls Dress-Up Shoppe.

Enjoy your weekend!
God bless the troops and their families:)


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