This past weekend we celebrated little dolly's birthday!
We knew it was going to be at home with just us four because all of our distant family is in Texas and the weather has been soo cold in the teens that we really just wanted to snuggle at home.
My little one has been obsessed lately with Cinderella and that is the cake she chose this year. Of course I began decorating last minute while my husband took her to pick out any toy she wanted at the toy store. I started rummaging through my stash in my craft room to try to figure how to make it look "Cinderella" themed! Since she's only 3 I knew she would be pleased with anything!
I began by making her a homemade banner on the wall with some blue washi tape and balloons.
I just so happen to have blue vintage pillowcases which I thought would be a cool to make into chair covers. I just slipped them right on!

With left over vintage fabric I made a scrap garland.

I just blew up some blue balloons for her to have a ball with and that was pretty much it! Sometimes when you are in a time crunch everything just seems to come together!
She loved the balloons and seeing her name on the wall. Big sister had fun helping me decorate and couldn't wait to help her eat her cake;)

We ate pizza and ate cake. Ran around the house with balloons and really appreciated our little one that makes our family whole.
It was a good day.
She was a happy happy happy girl:)

Thanks for visiting!
So adorable!