
Dec 7, 2013

Merry & Bright

Christmas is something I look forward to all year. Covering the house in garlands and lights just automatically cheers everyone up. Living in such a cold climate we have to stay indoors about 90% of the time during winter so I try to surround us in fun, colorful things!

This is our first Christmas in our NEW house and couldn't wait to see how our little cottage looks in the wintertime.

However my husband is also deployed this Christmas which is huge bummer. I have to do the shoveling and cookie baking. De-icing of the car and hot chocolate brewing. You get the picture;) Not having my best friend here during the holidays just makes it incomplete. It pretty much stinks without him here, but I have to make the best of things in situations like this.

I thought I should take photos of our house decorated for the holidays so my husband can see bits and pieces and pretend he is here with us.

Most of our decorations were thrifted, from the dollar store, or from the Target dollar section.
Come on in and enjoy a little peek into our house!
 I so didn't pose him there..he is just that stinkin cute!

Oh just vintage christmasy goodness everywhere, we are just missin' you know who!
I hope you liked a little peek into our home for the holidays.


  1. Love your home! I'm so excited you are back to blogging, I miss you on Instagram :( I was just emailing you and thought about checking your blog, and look! Hugs

    1. Awwww Yoly!! My phone was stolen a couple months ago at Target and of course with my luck I didn't insure it, so I have to use an old phone without instagram capability:/ I seriously went throught Instagram withdrawls ha! I'm going to try to keep up with my blog again and I'm saving up my pennies for a new phone. I miss all my IG buddies I wish we lived in the same city! :)

    2. I'm so sorry to hear that :( I lost my phone back in June when I took Lily and her cousins to the park. Luckily, a sweet and honest lady found it. I'll be checking your blog daily for updates, and you have my email address if you need anything :) Hugs to you and the dollies

  2. beautiful! I've missed you on Instagram too. hope you have a wonderful Christmas! When does your husband get back? Could you hire a teen to shovel for you? I usually shovel/deice my car too, just a thought :)


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