
Feb 15, 2011

hooo are you?

Im in a little party from


1. What did you get/give for Valentine's Day?
the hubbers and I exchanged love letters and babysitting time. He works 12+hrs nights so I watched the kiddos so he could have an extended nap. And he watched them so I could have an afternoon nap to recharge my batteries. So I suppose we also gave the gift of sleep..hehe2. Do you have a vacation planned in the next couple of months or in the summer?
Yes we do, were plannin on going to Texas to visit family and soak up much needed sun!
3. What is one thing you do to pamper yourself?
I love to paint my nails, its a distraction from my chapped, dry hands thanx to dry, utah weather.
4. What sparks your interest to other people's blogs?
creativity, sewing, vintage clothes, easy projects, decluttered pages, easy going people:)
5. What kind of a mood are you in today?
tired, a tad ill from catching my lil one's cold, missing my husband...


1 comment:

  1. Hope you get feeling better soon! I just found your blog and it's so cute!!!


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