
Jan 11, 2011

Woodburned Corkboard

A few weekends back my lovely bestie invited me over for a craft night.  She so thoughtfully bought all the supplies...cork boards, embellishments, and the wood burning tool.
Those of you who don't know what a wood burning tool looks like, here it is....

Of course this baby gets hot! Luckily we were at my friends apartment (kid free) for this craft so I wasn't all spastic about my kiddos getting near it.
Stina's idea was to burn some cool, nature drawings on it.  We decided on pretty, little birdies.

She even bought little sticky, gems to put on the tips of some plain push pins. Genius!

There's nothing better than catching up with old friends and making something pretty...



  1. I love this project- looks great! When I was in junior high we did wood burning projects and I completely want to relive that crafty experience!


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